Monday, June 25, 2012

How to Write a Love Letters

How to Write a Love Letters

Choose nice paper or stationery. Don’t email a love letter; give the person something they can touch, feel, and, if you’re lucky, tuck into their pillow at night. While a simple piece of printer or notebook paper will do, selecting high-quality paper will add a nice touch and show how much care went into writing this letter. You can also take regular paper andmake it look old or even make your own paper. It's best to write on plain paper that has either a simple (ex. white), calming (ex. cream), or sensual (ex. flesh-toned) color. Use either a black or brown ink to keep the writing grounded and classy-looking; avoid “teacher colors” like blue, green, and red that will make it look like you’re marking up a homework assignment.

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  2. 2
    Set the mood. Go to a private room, like a bathroom or bedroom, put on some romantic music, and dim the lights (or even light candles). Make sure you won’t be interrupted. If you have a song or album that reminds you of the person, put it on; it will help you conjure up memories and feelings.

  3. 3
    Use an intimate salutation. Address the person as “beloved,” “dearest,” “beautiful,” “most cherished,” or, if appropriate, a pet name. If you are already in a romantic relationship, you can say “my” (ex. “To My Dearest ____”), but don’t do this if you’re using the letter to confess your feeling; it will come across as presumptuous and territorial. Instead, use something more detached like “To The Lovely ____,” for example.

  4. 4
    Think of a time when you felt particularly moved by seeing your loved one, no matter how small the event. Recall the moment in vivid detail; this proves that you were fully present and that all your attention was fixed on this person – something most people love to hear. Remember the emotional and physical feelings you experienced in that moment. Then, write a description of that moment including details about your feelings at the time.

  5. 5
    Tell the person what you appreciate most about them. Is it their compassion? Thankfulness? Beauty? Sense of humor? Humility? Resourcefulness? How do they make you feel every day? Do you consider this person your best friend? Can (s)he be counted on through thick and thin? Write about a combination of attributes – looks, personality, humor, charm – to let this person know that you appreciate them on a number of levels; exclusively focusing on appearance will make your feelings appear superficial, but exclusively focusing on personality might seem too platonic (or make the individual feel unattractive). If appropriate, be sensual (but not openly erotic).

    • Be totally unabashedly honest. Your writing style, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and any other distractions should take a back seat to your confession of exactly how you feel and why.
  6. 6
    Write about the future. If you’re confessing your feelings for the first time, admit how giddy you are every time you know you’re about to see them again. If you’re apart, describe all the things you want to do together when you’re reunited. If you’re committed, discuss some goals, dreams, and fantasies you have about your future life together.

  7. 7
    Sign the letter. Suitable signoffs include “Yours,” “Yours Forever,” “XOXO,” “Kisses,” “Love,” and “Love Always.” If applicable, include a pet name, inside joke, or even a reply to a long-unanswered question to make it more personal.

  8. 8
    Add a personal touch. Put lipstick on and kiss the paper, spray the perfume or cologne you always wear on the paper, or trace your hand on the back so that the other person can hold their hand up to yours.

  9. 9
    Put the letter in an envelope. If you want, you can make the envelope or even fold the note itself into an envelope. Alternatively, roll the letter up like a scroll and tie it closed with a piece of nice ribbon or string.

  10. 10
    Write other love letters. Don’t make this a one-time event; make a habit of writing love letters to the person you care about for birthdays, anniversaries, time spent apart, time spent together, or no particular reason at all. The more you do, the easier to write and more meaningful they’ll become.
  11. 11

World’s Most Expensive Motorcycles

World’s Most Expensive Motorcycles

Motorcycles have had mass appeal to the general public for roughly a century and a half. An American named Sylvester Howard Roper designed one of the first motorcycles in the 1860s. The motorcycle was displayed at fairs and circuses around the eastern U.S.. Europeans also had their hand in popularizing motorcycles and, during the World Wars, motorcycles functioned as a quick means of transportation.As the motorcycle progressed, the engines and frames became bigger, sleeker, faster and more powerful, resulting in the high-tech and expensive motorcycles of today. If you can afford one, a custom motorcycle built to your exact specifications is within reach.

MV-Augusta F4CC – $120,000

This expensive motorcycle was created by Claudio Castiglioni, MV’s director. He wanted to create a spectacular motorcycle that met strategic marketing needs while also being something truly special and unique. The expensive motorcycle bearing his very own initials “CC” has a top speed of 315 kph (195 mph), 1078 cc’s and a 198 hp engine. Each bike boasts a platinum plate located near the top of the steering column showing the model number from 1 to 100, making this motorcycle all the more special to its owners.

MTT Turbine SuperBike – $150,000

Not only is this motorcycle expensive, it’s also extremely fast. This bike, also known as the Y2K Turbine Superbike, is the Guinness World Record holder for the “Most Powerful Motorcycle Ever to Enter Series Production”. The turbine engine in this one is made by Rolls Royce and is capable of over 300hp. The motorcycle also boasts carbon fiber fairings, a rear mounted camera with LCD color display, forward-and rear-looking radar detector with laser scrambler, one touch “Smart Start” ignition, and many other cool gadgets. This bike seams to be pretty popular in Hollywood. It starred in the movie “Torque” and even Jay Leno owns one!

Icon Sheene – $160,000

This bike was created by Andrew Morris in honor of legendary British Grand Prix motorcycle champion Barry Sheene, who died in 2003 at the age of 52. As such, only 52 of these 250 hp, turbocharged 1400cc motorcycles will be created, each emblazoned with a playing card hand-painted by the same artist who painted Sheene’s helmets, Mike Fairholme. Each of these bikes will be bespoke, tailored to fit the purchaser’s unique requirements.

Macchia Nera concept bike – $201,000

Built around a Ducati 998RS engine, this motorcycle’s Italian designers and engineers set out to create an extremely high tech and expensive motorcycle that would be thought of as “the ultimate track bike” that is “simply beautiful and beautifully simple”. The Testastretta engine is fitted with lightweight metals and alloys, like titanium and aluminum, making it very lightweight. The view from the side of the Macchia Nera shows exposed belts and engine components, giving its design a minimalist feel while still being aesthetically pleasing. We should add that this bike is a one of a kind and not in produced for retail at this point, but if you have an extra 150,000 Euros (US $201,000) laying around for an expensive toy, your dream might come true.

Ecosse Titanium Series RR Limited Edition

This luxury motorbike features a titanium chassis with clear coated carbon fiber bodywork and wheels. It features a fuel injected, intercooled, supercharged 2,150cc billet motor and is capable of over 200 hp. Its saddle is ergonomic and adjustable. The bike also comes with a timepiece, designed by French watchmakers BRM, which is made to match the bike and is engraved with the same serial number as the handlebar clamp and VIN plate. This bike is limited to only 10 units.

Dodge Tomahawk V10 Superbike – $555,000

This reproduction of Dodge’s concept bike is considered an “automotive sculpture,” as it is not street legal in the US. Ten of these bikes were offered by Neiman Marcus in their 2003 Christmas Book. The Dodge Tomahawk V10 superbike boasts an 8.3 liter engine (505 cubic inch), and the 10 cylinders can bring the bike to a maximum speed of almost 400 mph. The 1500lb bike has an independent 4-wheel suspension and can reach 60 mph in around 2.5 seconds.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Top 10 Love Quotes

Top 10 Love Quotes

Whether the love lasts a week, a year, or beyond, love is the most desired commodity in society today, which is why there is so much said about the subject. Our top ten love quotes are comprised of the most famous and the most popular words spoken on what truly makes the world go ‘round ...user participation appreciated! Also, after you have enjoyed these Top 10 Love Quotes, remember to view: Top 100 LOVE QUOTES and All LOVE QUOTES

1. There is only one happiness in life—to love and be loved.

George Sands - Under the pseudonym “George Sand” in the early 1800s, Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin, later known as Baroness Dudevant, wrote numerous stories in collaboration with a friend. Her first independent novel, “Indiana,” was her debut literary work as the author George Sand. She wrote fiction and autobiographical pieces, as well as political texts and literary criticism. While the original source of this quote is unknown (it might possibly be found in one of her many books or other writings), it is credited to her under her pseudonym and is widely used.

2. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning - A prominent Victorian poet, Elizabeth Barrett Browning was the eldest of twelve children and very intelligent. At age six she was reading novels and by eight was studying Greek and later mastered classical Latin. She was encouraged in writing poetry by both of her parents, in particular her father who called her the “Poet Laureate of Hope End” (Hope End is the estate she grew up on). Her own romance with Robert Browning no doubt inspired this famous line from her poem, “How Do I Love Thee.” 

3. When you are in love you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

Dr. Seuss - The famed children’s book author, Dr. Seuss, has written and illustrated an expansive number of books, each with its own unique characters, words, and plots. He is known for his ability to rhyme and for the quirky words and pictures featured in his books. This particular love quote is attributed to him in many places and literary works, although an original source is difficult, if not impossible to find. 

4. I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.

Roy Croft - Roy Croft is a poet and translator. This quote is attributed to the first lines of his poem titled “Love.” There is some controversy as to whether the poem is his original work, as a German-language poem entitled “Ich Liebe Dich” (“I Love You”) is nearly identical in meaning and composed by Austrian poet Erich Fried. It has also been theorized that the name “Roy Croft” is a pseudonym. Either way, this quote is perfect for wedding toasts, gift cards, or endearing messages to a special sweetheart.

5. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.

Emily Bronte - Emily Bronte was an English novelist and poet who lived in the early 1800s. Her only novel, “Wuthering Heights,” is her most famed literary contribution and is now considered a classic of English literature. It is in this famous love story that this featured quote is found, said by Catherine in reference to Heathcliff, and it is by far one of the most romantic lines that can be quoted today.

6. You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.

Sam Keen - An explorer of literary questions about love, life, religion, and being a man in today’s society, Sam Keen has taken some of the most difficult questions in life and given philosophical answers. Some of the questions he focuses on are “For what may I hope?” “Is there life beyond death?” and, “Whom do I love? Who loves me?” This quote may have come from one of his various literary works in response to the grand, magical mystery that is love.

7. Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.

Albert Einstein - Albert Einstein is one of the most prominent figures in history today. A German-born physicist, Einstein developed the theory of relativity, revolutionizing physics. He has been called “the father of modern physics,” and received a Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. When Adolf Hitler came into power, Einstein warned President Franklin D. Roosevelt that Germany might have atomic weapons and headed much of the research on the infamous Manhattan Project. Scribbled in German on the margins of a letter is the original quote, attributed to him, which reads, “Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do—but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it.”

8. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

Aristotle - A Greek philosopher whose words have defined Western philosophy, Aristotle was a student of the philosopher Plato and a teacher of Alexander the Great. He wrote poetry, rhetoric, political essays, and subjects ranged from theater to metaphysics to logic and music. It is unfortunate that most of his writings did not survive the passage of time; we only have about one-third of his original works. In the book, “Lives of Eminent Philosophers,” by Diogenes Laertius, it is recorded that Aristotle, in response to the query, “What is a friend?” replied, “A single soul dwelling in two bodies.” The quote above is a popular variant reflecting the meaning of this famed philosopher’s words.

9. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.

Helen Keller -
Hellen Keller was born in 1880 perfectly healthy until a short bout of illness, supposed to be scarlet fever or meningitis, contracted before her second birthday. The illness left the little girl deaf and blind. Through the kind diligence of Anne Sullivan, who became a governess and lifelong companion for Keller, Helen was able to learn sign, with Sullivan spelling the words into her hand. Keller later became a world-famous speaker and author. It was in a letter to the Reverend Phillips Brooks in 1891 that Keller wrote, “…how happy your little Helen was when her teacher explained to her that the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, but just felt in the heart.”

10. Love one another and you will be happy; it is as simple and as difficult as that.

Michael Leunig - Michael Leunig is an intriguing man. Born and raised in Australia, Leunig got an arts degree and is now a renowned and often controversial political cartoonist. He is most well-known for his quirky drawings of ducks and curly-haired men with teapots on their heads, which gives his work an entirely unique feel and perspective. This quote comes from his book, “When I Talk to You: A Cartoonist Talks to God,” a book that describes Leunig’s understanding of his relationship with God. It contains touching poetry that is written in the form of a prayer, illustrated by Leunig’s exceptional artwork.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How to Have Sex Appeal

How to Have Sex Appeal

Sex appeal is within anyone's reach no matter your looks and age. It radiates from unabashed confidence, healthy self-love, and a belief that you're worth knowing. Here's how to cultivate it.
  1. 1
    Remember that it's all in your attitude.
     Remember that it's all in your attitude.
    Remember that it's all in your attitude. Being attractive is about more than having a great physique - it's about how you interact with people. Think about beautiful people you've known who lacked personality, and you'll realize quickly that good luck in the genetics department is definitely not what sex appeal is about! Put your best self forward for others to appreciate, and don't worry about your flaws. People will notice what youchoose to highlight for them, so focus on your most appealing traits and don't mention your drawbacks.

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    • Think of your attitude as your sales pitch. Any salesperson can tell you that it's a lot easier to push a product they actually like, so like yourself! If you're confident about how alluring you are, others will be more tempted to "buy" it.
    • Sex appeal isn't about getting what you want because you're attractive. Rather, sex appeal is about giving; principally, your allure derives from the very fact that just being around a confident and insecurity-free you makes others feel good about themselves. Your "glow" is a gift to others; and while not everyone will accept this gift, most people will be open to the warmth of being made to feel good about themselves, even if it's just for a few moments in your presence.
  2. 2
    Wear what makes you look good. Attitude is the biggest part of the package, but you can also boost your appeal by wearing what flatters your body. It doesn't matter that you might be big boned, small waisted, tall, short, or stuck with a nose you wish you could trade for another. Good grooming, stylish dressing, and careful deportment will do more for you than a supposedly perfect body shape. Coco Chanel once quipped: "If a woman is not well dressed, one notices her for her outfit, but if she's impeccably dressed, it's she that one notices."
    • If you're not sure what looks good on you, ask for help! Consult a friend whose fashion sense you admire, or ask someone who works at a department store to give you an honest assessment. You'll find that most people are happy to assist you.
    • You don't have to reveal a ton of skin to have sex appeal - keep in mind that leaving much to the imagination can be far sexier than wearing revealing clothing.
    • When purchasing clothes, focus on camouflaging what doesn't look as great as you'd like while accentuating the best features. Know what looks good on you and what's not; fashion is about wearing only what flatters you, since then you will feel comfortable and act more naturally.
    • Keep your hair in excellent shape and well cared for – think about how you perceive someone with unkempt hair and someone with groomed hair; the appeal on the eye is very different.
    • For women, don't overdo the makeup. Too much will always be unflattering.
    • In the workplace, there are subtle but important rules about what you wear that are worth paying attention to. Having sex appeal at work should be personality-driven; with the clothing, it should only ever be hinted at. Dress professionally for work according to your workplace standards (even if it's casual, make sure you're in smart, well-pressed clothes). That means avoiding wearing clothing that reveals enough to cause people to think they're in your bedroom. For women, avoid sheer clothing, deep cleavage, skirts that barely cover your backside, too much makeup, or strapless tops. For men, avoid unironed, "just-got-out-of-bed" looks, sheer clothing, clothing that's too tight, unbuttoned hairy chests, and flip flops.
  3. 3
    Love your body.
     Love your body.
    Love your body. Avoid obsessing over your body shape. Worrying about what isn't right about you can lead to obsessing over the fine details and neglecting your real assets, such as your glorious mane of hair, your fabulous smile, your sense of humor, or your strong shoulders. Obsessing and worrying are the antithesis of sex appeal because they cause you to focus inwardly, and to allow other people's judgment of you to have too much power over you. Sex appeal only works when you're able to embrace your appearance for all it is and still love yourself, and project the best of you while downplaying anything that you're not so keen about. And remember this about those supposed "faults": nobody else magnifies them the way you do, so the sooner you cease worrying about them, the better.
    • Be comfortable about your sexual nature. Within sex appeal is the word sex, after all. And for romantic liaisons, it's assumed that part of your desire is sexual. Being comfortable with your own sexuality is important for having sex appeal, because feeling confused, disgusted, ill-at-ease, or prudish about your sexuality and that of others will not give you sex appeal. If you're experiencing confusion or dissatisfaction with your sexual side, seek help and advice from those trained to work with sexual problems.
    • Body love and sexual identity are very closely entwined; if you're going to ask your lover to turn off the light every time you make love just because you're worried about your body shape, you're going to feel inhibited. Spend your love life with people who love you for who you are and don't want to change you; your electric light bills might be a bit higher, but so too will be your own electricity!
    • If you're not healthy or happy with your current body, do something about it. But in the process of fixing that aspect of yourself, you don't need to let your personality sink. Keep projecting the lovable, affable person you are as you stick with your healthy habits.
  4. 4
    Be "smexy".
     Be "smexy".
    Be "smexy". This simply means a combination of being smart and sexy. Sex appeal is about both looking your best and thinking your best. Put your smarts out there as well as your gorgeousness; denying your intelligence is a foolhardy way to aim to be appealing. Make it clear from the outset that you think for yourself and never shy away from tough decisions, or you'll risk being viewed as a docile and complacent person. Being smexy includes:
    • Having empowering beliefs. This is not only about yourself but about others too – being genuinely interested in ensuring that others get ahead and have what they need is a very attractive trait.
    • Being flexible without being a pushover. This means that you're willing to heed other's wishes and be flexible about these where it's constructive to do so but you're also able to maintain your sense of self and keep your boundaries intact.
    • Being independent. It's very sexy to show that you can stand on your own two feet financially and emotionally, and that you're both resourceful and resilient.
    • Being busy. Looking bored and not knowing what to do with yourself is unappealing and even threatening. A busy person, however, is attractive and inspiring; others will want to know what you're doing and how they can keep up with you.
  5. 5
    Feel good about yourself.
     Feel good about yourself.
    Feel good about yourself. When you feel good about yourself and believe in your own worth, it shows. This is appealing because people feel instantly at ease with you, as they sense they don't have to reassure you or tiptoe around you. So relax, be comfortable about yourself, and let your confidence exude. Tell yourself that you're beautiful inside and out, wonderful to know, and think of all the great reasons why people will like you for you. Confidence is the most important source of sex appeal, so if yours is feeling a bit low, it's an ideal time to improve it. Here are some suggested articles:
  6. 6
    Be positive, upbeat, and a person who smiles and laughs a lot.
     Be positive, upbeat, and a person who smiles and laughs a lot.
    Be positive, upbeat, and a person who smiles and laughs a lot. Laughter and smiling have a lot to do with sex appeal. Everyone wants to feel better about themselves and about the world around them. Smiles and laughter help create that positive atmosphere and reassure people that you're fun to be with, and that you're going to do your best to see the positive side of things even during challenging times.
    • Upbeat people notice the possibilities, something that can take others by surprise and reroute their pessimism. But don't confuse this with forced positive attitudes, or what author Barbara Ehrenreich terms "magical thinking"; that kind of thinking that causes you to see the "glass half full" when it's completely shattered.[1] Rather, this is the kind of positive thinking that emanates from knowing that you're strong, determined, and resilient enough to cope with hardships and that you pick yourself up and learn from life's vicissitudes.
    • Laugh regularly because it's good for you, and because it's attractive to people around you. Read How to laugh and How to laugh a lot for more advice.
    • Smile on the inside. Force a smile even if you're not in the mood for it (think of yourself at your best) and notice how your body starts to change. Carry around an inner smile and it will express itself in the way you hold your body, walk, and react with daily life. Also learn how to smile when you don't feel you can.
    • Learn how to smile with your eyes. Model Tyra Banks coined the term "smize" to sum up this very effective and all-encompassing smile.
    • Smile in the face of adversity and difficult connections with others. Even if they don't return your smile, it's warming the thaw just a little bit and it's for your benefit to remain upbeat when others are down around you.
    • Indulge in being funny and seeing the less serious side of life. Being the tension reliever when social relations take on too serious an edge is bound to draw people to you.
    • Don't evaluate humor. Once you start questioning "is this really worth laughing at", you're taking things too seriously and dampening the happy spirit around you. And that's just not sexy. Join in and laugh because it's good for you, good for everyone else, and makes you look fantastic.
  7. 7
    Be aware of how your body language impacts other people.
     Be aware of how your body language impacts other people.
    Be aware of how your body language impacts other people. Your body language is a major aspect of sex appeal. You can make a decision to withdraw, and pull your neck in, hold your head down, linger back from the crowd, and try to make yourself as small as possible or you can decide to stand tall, hold your head high, maintain a beautifulposture and make your presence well and truly known. Which of those two images is sexier to you? When aiming to give out the glow, some of the things to be really aware of when interacting with other people include:
    • Maintain eye contact. Whether you're planning on taking things further with a person in a romantic context or you just want to cement a lasting social relationship with another human being, eye contact is a major source of deepening your connection. Looking away from people or casting your eyes downwards is a way of blocking people out and staying in your own world; don't worry, people won't try and enter it. To have sex appeal, though, eye contact is essential because it invites people into your world and embraces them. And the longer the eye contact, the more you're telling that person that you're really interested in them. If you're currently uncomfortable with eye contact, force yourself to start trying – make a pact with yourself to look at the eyes of three unknown people a day and see what happens. At first it'll be challenging but as you keep practicing, you're likely to find yourself becoming more interesting to others and sparking a lot of new connections.
    • Use open body language. This is expressive movements that engage and enfold other people in your sphere. Things that draw people closer to you include hugs, open arms, leaning forward to listen, open hands, uncrossed arms, facing your heart toward the other person's heart. If you're wearing a coat or jacket, unbutton it to show that you're opening your heart to them.[2]
    • Use touch. Touching people is a truly energizing form of connecting with others. Brushing your hand against their arm, holding their arm briefly, hugging them, placing your hand on a shoulder, etc., are all ways that you can connect. Move in closer when you touch others, and if you have romantic intentions, even seek to match your breathing with the other person's.
  8. 8
    Love people.
     Love people.
    Love people. Loving humanity as a whole will improve your sex appeal. You're a human, so why is it so easy to make comments like "I hate my fellow human beings, they're all so [...]". When we talk like that, we're assuming that people who don't conform to our way of thinking or being are so unlike us that they're not worth loving. Setting aside those antagonistic feelings lets you open up to love people for who they are. This doesn't mean that you have to like individuals; naturally, there will always be people you don't click with and people whose moral habits are not in line with human dignity but these exceptions are not an excuse for assuming the majority of human beings are not lovable. When you make it clear that you love people as they are, no matter what their achievements, wealth, choices, looks, etc., then you immediately make them feel wanted and at ease. And that makes you desirable.
    • Be curious about people. Asking others to tell you more about themselves is a means for getting to know them better and is extremely flattering. Being curious is one of the top means for connecting with other people.
    • Facilitate connections with other people. What's just as sexy as being connected to you? Being connected to the people you know! Help others meet the people you believe they'd benefit from knowing. It's relationship building, it's empowering, and it's a way of increasing the people you can rely on too.
    • Don't let your experience with one person cloud your experiences with everyone else. Sex appeal can be thwarted by carrying around the emotional baggage from previous relationships and projecting this onto every future prospective romantic and social relationship. Don't allow the tension from one relationship lead you to think that this will infect all relationships.
    • Develop graceful ways for cutting things short with people you're not keen to spend more time with. They don't need to feel they're any less a person just because the two of you aren't clicking; be generous in your estimation of them and make the short space of time you do spend with them special.
  9. 9
    Compliment people. This step follows directly from loving human beings for who they are. Always look for the good in people and remind them of why they're fantastic to be around. It's very hard to resist someone who notices the best in you. Once you feel good about yourself and confident in your own direction, your senses will awaken to seeing the good in others and it'll be easy to point out what you appreciate about them. There is much to appreciate about others in your life, including how much you enjoy their company, how you're inspired by their spirit or independent nature, how much you love their loyalty to their family, or even how much you admire the choices they've made in their lives from pets to jobs. Read How to compliment people and How to give compliments to people who won't take them for more advice.
    • Compliments are good for everyone; give them readily to family, friends, lovers, colleagues, and strangers.
    • Receive all compliments with a hearty "Thank you!" Rejecting compliments is a form of disliking yourself and distrusting others. And that's not sexy. Look at it this way too – even if the compliment isn't genuine, so what? It's out there in the world for you to grab and make good with. Read How to take compliments for more advice.
    • Find the common interest. Try and find the common ground when talking with another person. This means you meet at the same level and connect on something you both feel comfortable about. When spending time talking with other people, always aim to find this common ground to further cement your appeal. Use compliments to reassure them that you're on their wavelength.
  10. 10
    Don't age discriminate.
     Don't age discriminate.
    Don't age discriminate. Sex appeal has longevity. For many people, sex appeal increases with age and there is definitely no reason to think you "lose it" after any particular age. From movies to book characters, it's clear that older men are considered sexy. And while women's sexiness into older age has been downplayed in the past, nowadays women are also proving that being older is no barrier to having great sex appeal.[3] Older age brings some of the following benefits for enduring sex appeal:
    • You don't have kids in tow. They can dampen the sexiest of moments but when you're older, responsibility for kids is no longer in the picture! This is liberating because both parties don't need to fear being dragged into a relationship for the sake of having kids. Fashion model Cindy Joseph, who was discovered as a model in her 50s, makes the prescient comment that around older women, "men have no fear of ownership or possession".[4] Her comment cuts both ways, as many women reach a stage where they don't want to feel this sense of relationship possessiveness, either.
    • There is less competitiveness in relationships when people age. Older people tend to have assuaged their fears of being "left on the shelf" and are less competitive toward one another over issues of love, power, and control.[5] This allows for deeper concentration on others instead of being driven by the inward-looking behavior that fear creates, opening you up to greater levels of connection.
    • Experience makes most of us wiser and stronger. There is something very alluring about people who are comfortable with themselves because they've already been through the challenges of life and come out the other side more knowledgeable, morecompassionate, and accepting.
    • Many older people are not afraid to be their real selves. They're through with pretending to like things they don't like, to try and look like people they've nothing in common with, or to be pining after lifestyles that are artificial or unobtainable.
  11. 11
    Don't take sex appeal too seriously. Finally, but most importantly, sex appeal isn't something to labor over. The hard work is done when you build your self-confidence, learn to love others for who they are, and find your purpose in this world. Sex appeal tends to exude as the fruit of your ongoing personal development. So the best advice after all this advice is to not try too hard to have sex appeal. Provided you've learned to love yourself and others well, it'll come naturally. People will think you're beautiful if you do.